Monday, May 11, 2009


  1. "Guaranteed" by Eddie Vedder, from the soundrack "Into the Wild"


Today I people-watched.

This afternoon the sun broke through they grey of this morning, and so I ventured down to Acland Street in St Kilda, the wonderful little corner of the world that my Dad affectionately calls "The Armpit of the World".

It is such a surreal little stretch of asphalt, the gaping maw of Luna Park welcoming you to an avenue lined with cakeshops and coffeeshops and bookstores and boutiques. Garish characters on rooftops leer at you and wander the street muttering to themselves, while artists and musicians and other denizens of bohemia sit and sip on flat white coffees, passionately discussing existentialism, politics, music and art.

This trip to Melbourne has
so far been a wonderful whirlwind of reunions with family and friends, a blur of lattes and pints of beer and delicious meals shared with warm conversations and catchings-up. I feel like I could quite easily spend the whole of the next 12 months looking up old friends and acquaintances... It would be so easy, and so safe to just stay here...

As I wandered through the streets and gardens today, I observed myself observing others, a surreal feeling of watching a movie that is playing out in real time right before your eyes, except that you are participating, and watching, all at the same time; a lucid dream, except that I am wide-awake...

...a now-familiar feeling has been growing in my belly - it is the feeling that bubbles up to my conscious thought stream and whispers "I am no longer here". I am ready to move on.

Being a happy child surrounded by loving family in Hawaii is a blessing that I shall always treasure - all my childhood memories are full of joy and laughter. You don't truly appreciate the beauty of a place until you leave it.

As little people we all make decisions about ourselves, other people, and the world based upon our experiences, that shape our thinking, and therefore our words, actions, and habbits....and therefore our REALITY.

despair, angst and sheer anger that I felt during my teen years served to drive much of the outward material successes I enjoyed in my 20s, though has long since faded. Anger, when focused to a point, can create positive results. The problem is that anger is a poor foundation upon which to build a legacy, and, when suppressed, will explode violently.

This stands in stark contrast to my current experience of Melbourne: peaceful, joyful, and connected. I have made my peace with this city, and with the experiences and emotions of the past.

Today I wandered and watched, enjoying the simplest details - snippets of conversations overheard in the street, the laughs of a young family tending to their plot in the community garden, the cacophony of screeching seagulls and cawing crows bathed in the soft, warm glow of the afternoon sun. The big, cold blue sky stretches far away above me, fading into deep indigos as the quiet drama of another Melbourne sunset slips away on the horizon.

"...A mind full of questions
And a teacher in my Soul

- "Guaranteed", from the soundtrack "Into The Wild"
by Eddie Vedder

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  1. Thank you for taking me along for the ride on YOUR many adventures. Per usual, your writing is wonderfully thought-provoking, compelling, and descriptive. Your tone of realism mixed with tranquility mixed with nostalgia (perhaps?) is quite fabulous. =) It is true that often negative experiences as children mold us into cynical adults. Glad you discovered peace instead. You are such an inspirational free-spirit!

    Your "surreal feeling" of watching a movie play out in front of you in real time reminds me of this painting by French artist Robert Dousnoux that shows a couple-frozen in time-kissing in the middle of a crowd of blurred faces and bodies. Sometimes I feel as if I am one of those blurred faces observing the seemingly timeless people around me. Then other times, I am that couple, frozen in time, while the world moves at warp speed, swirling around me uncontrollably, and I am the voyeuristic photographer observing myself.

    Love the blog, sunshine. Keep writing!

    p.s. It's a good thing the world encompasses two armpits because I am fairly certain I grew up in the other one. haha.

  2. thanks for the comments Professor!
